Friday, April 08, 2016

How to Create a Recipe Bika Ambon!!!

        Definitely friends Baking Recipes Bika thought that this one came from the city of Ambon. It can not be blamed for Bika Ambon Cheese Cake Recipe Practically the Right as it was from the city of Medan does contain the word city that became the capital of Maluku. On its basis, how to make the recipe Bika Ambon Terrain Grilled or Steamed same. Many mothers and young women who complained of the difficulty of making this cake is wet one. Most of them failed to make the recipe Bika Ambon out of his hole perforated like a honeycomb and the final results of its bantet so decimate its delicacy Bika Ambon. In addition to How to create and materials Cake Recipe Bika Ambon, here I will give you some tips and secrets that is usually used by the Chef to create a Recipe Bika Ambon Practical soft and tasty. Now we are heading to materials and practical way of making below.

          Ingredients Recipe Bika Ambon Medan
  1.  Main Ingredients must be prepared Sago Flour is 300 grams and 100 grams Flour commonly used to make bread (medium protein content). For her brand, depending on taste.
  2.  200 milliliters of Coconut Water is taken from Fresh Coconut
  3.  11 grams of instant yeast for developers
  4.  600 ml coconut milk. Better at using the original milk taken from the old coconut fruits. Use the thick coconut milk its course so that its yield is more legit.
  5.  15 large grains to 18 grains smaller Chicken Egg. Separate the egg whites of her and the egg yolks take  wrote.
  6. small scoop or teaspoon vanilla and salt.
  7. 450 grams of sugar white sand. Do not use the yellow colored sugar rather dark, because the finished result will be the smell of sugar cane.

How to make Cake Recipe Bika Ambon Practical Terrain
  1. Take a medium sized container. Mix 100 grams of wheat flour and yeast. Stir until the ingredients are mixed perfectly.
  2. Enter little by little 200 ml of fresh coconut water into a place in step 1 while still in the mix slowly. Make sure all three ingredients are blended and no lumps of flour. Let stand a minute or approximately 14-16 minutes while you prepare the other ingredients.
  3. Take another container size larger. Enter 400 grams of sugar, 1 teaspoon salt and vanilla. Mix all ingredients using a spatula. Enter one by one while in the mix 15 eggs into the container to two. Stir until all ingredients are mixed perfectly.
  4. Then take the dough ingredients in the first container that has been allowed to stand for approximately 15 minutes. Mix to a dough in a second bowl. Stir until smooth and add 300 grams of flour Sago bit by bit take remains in the mix.
  5. Take 600 ml thick coconut milk her, put a little in the dough while still in the mix. Please note that the process of stirring and mixing all the ingredients above can blend perfectly
  6. To make sure all the ingredients mixed, strain the mixture using a kitchen sieve.
  7. Let stand for about 2 hours so that the results of his own cakes Bika Ambon and later expands out its honeycomb shape.
  8. Preheat oven.
  9. Take another pan or mold and rub a little oil to prevent the cake from sticking to the pan
  10. Enter all the last batter that is filtered over into the mold. For perfect results, which must be considered is the dough does not need to stir again. Simply pour into the pan
  11. Having considered the oven is already hot enough, put the pan into it. Use medium heat and leave the oven door open slightly. Just to distribute heat in it. If the doors are open, it is feared the cooking process Bika Ambon his field longer and the result is not perfect.
  12. Bake about 7-13 minutes until golden brown outer skin color.

How do friends? It turns out a way to make her cakes Bika Ambon Medan practical and easy right.

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

How To Make a Layer Cake!!!

            Layer cake is one of the snacks or traditional foods favored. This cake is one of the classic wet cake is very tasty. In addition has a sweet, moist cake also has a very chewy texture. Layer cake is a cake that is often found in the market, especially the traditional market and a pastry shop. This cake has a colorful attractive so that it can make children become like. Not only for children, because this cake is very suitable to be consumed by anyone for that love. Here is the process of making a layer cake chewy rice flour.

Material :

1. 350 grams of white rice flour
2. 350 gr sugar
3. 1 teaspoon salt
4. 125 g of corn starch
5. 1.5 liters of coconut milk
6. food coloring to taste
7. 2 pieces of pandan leaves (washed)

How to Make a Rainbow Layer Cake Rice Flour:

1. coconut milk boiled with pandan leaves and salt over medium heat, stirring constantly so as not to break, wait until boiling
2. prepare a container and then fill in rice flour, corn starch and sugar mixed into one
3. Pour coconut milk that has been boiled into the flour mixture and stir
4. the dough into pieces (depending on how many colors are used)
5. after the dough is divided then put colors on each piece of dough, stir until well blended
6. langseng reheat on the stove and then insert a layer of color mixture into the pan, wait until half cooked
7.then enter it again the next color (do repeatedly until complete and mature)
8. layer cake cut into slices and serve on a serving plate

It turned out to make a good cake does not have to require materials that are difficult and do not need to pay too much. Due to the recipe and how to make Rainbow Layer Cake Rice Flour requiring less material and less time is needed.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Juice Recipes Fruit Naga !!!

        What fruit do you consume most often? Banana, mango, apple, orange or grapefruit? If one of these pieces is your passion, not why, but it was too incredible! Ever tried dragon fruit? Just like the name suggests, this fruit is unique. Scaly skin like a dragon fruit. In China it has always been a complementary god. Indeed, the dragon fruit is considered fishing luck and blessings. Well in line with the myth, it turns out the dragon fruit is rich in benefits. Therefore, unfortunately if you miss. Indeed, many who do not like the taste, but, when processed, dragon fruit will appear more nicely on the tongue. For the curious, please try the dragon fruit juice recipe that we present below.

Prepare materials!

1. The ingredients needed to create a dragon juice, among others:
2. Dragon fruit is medium-sized and would have matured as much as 2 pieces.
3. Sugar as much as 4 tablespoons. Can replace organic honey if you want to be healthier.
4. sweetened condensed milk as much as 100 ml.
5. shaved ice to taste or to taste.
6. Air mature enough or to taste.

After all the ingredients are ready, it's time we make a dragon fruit juice. The way, as follows:
1. First, divide the dragon fruit you've prepared. Then take the meat with a spoon.
2. Insert meat dragon fruit into the blender container.
3. Add to it that has been shaved ice with boiled water taste.
4. Then blender until smooth and creamy.
5. Turn off the engine and dragon juice ready to be served in a glass of juice.

Juice Recipes Naga Second Variant

For more delicious flavor, you can experiment by adding favorite ingredients in your homemade dragon fruit juice. One of the best materials that fit paired with gorgeous fruit are lychee flavored yoghurt. Interested in making? Please refer to the following recipe.

Prepare materials, among others:
1. Dragon fruit as much as 2 pieces. Choose the perfect maturation and of medium size.
2. The sugar sand that has been melted in advance as much as 50 ml. Change honey if you're on a diet.
3. The yogurt flavors of lychee any brand as much as 1 cup or mug.
4. Ice cubes that have been shaved to taste.
5. sweetened condensed milk as much as 1 tablespoon.

After all the ingredients are ready, it's time to make dragon fruit juice, do the following:
1. First, cut two pieces of the dragon and part flesh with a spoon.
2. Insert the fruit flesh into a blender container.
3. Add into them yogurt flavors of lychee, shaved ice, liquid sugar and sweetened condensed milk. Turn on the machine and blender all ingredients until perfectly smooth.
4. Turn off the engine and dragon fruit juice you are ready to enjoy.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Tinutuan Manados food, its very delicious and if you eat in the morning it is very good!!!!!

Tinutuan / MUSH SATURN
First: Manado / Minahasa - North Sulawesi
Source: Recipe set Nusantara
Note ..
Tinutuan or Manados porridge is a typical food of Manados - North Sulawesi. Like Nasi Goreng in Java or Mpek-Mpek in Palembangs as well as with Tinutuan. This dish can be found anywhere in the area of ​​Manado. Tinutuan usually presented as a full breakfast menu.
Porridge full of vegetables and fiber in sweet potatoes, pumpkins and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are very healthy to eat. The more delicious with bread and salted fish sauce. Hmmmm ... savory ;-).
Oh yes there is good news in connection with Tinutuan. Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) plan Tinutuan or slurry Manados, North Sulawesi, entered as a traditional Indonesian culinary icon. So the more I participate in promoting the spirit of this dish. So what are you waiting for ?? Before foreign many people try, what's wrong with you tasted first, let me not be ashamed at the world ha ha ..
How to make:
1. Heat 1500 ml of water, lemongrass and ginger in a saucepan until boiling water.
2. Add rice, cook until half cooked.
3. Enter the corn and add salt. Continue to cook until cooked corn while stirring occasionally (approximately 10 minutes).
4. If you are using canned corn pipil, enter the corn after the yams and pumpkins ripe for pipil canned corn cooked in advance.
5. Enter the sweet potato and pumpkin. Cook over medium heat until completely tender (approximately 20 minutes).
6. Add the leaves of kale / spinach. Cook briefly until the leaves wilt.
7. Taste, add salt to taste if necessary. Lift.
8. Serve hot with complementary.
If you like vegetables can be variations according to taste. In addition to the above ingredients vegetables you can also use beans, leaves gedi etc.
Sambal also you can replace with another sauce to taste.
In this recipe I do not use basil because it is difficult to come by. We apologize for the above shortcomings.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

How to Make Green Chili Sambal

How to Make Green Chili Sambal

The original make more meal taste for spiciness steady ... Who does not know the typical sauce Padang? It feels less than perfect if we go to Paris restaurant without trying the typical green sambal chilli are. Dogged surely, typical the acids that comes from green tomatoes so it is compatible with a variety of cuisines dominated fields and coconut milk.

I will give you how to make a green sambal:

Ingredients :

1,250 grams of large green peppers, remove the stems
2. 50 grams of green cayenne pepper (for the results of more spicy)
3. 4 spring onions
4. 3 teaspoons of cooking oil, for frying
5. 2 cloves garlic
6. 2 tomatoes green
7. ½ teaspoon lemon juice
8. Sugar to taste
9. Salt to taste

How to Make Sambal Hijau Cabe:

1. Roughly chop the green chili and green chili
2. Then steamed green chili and green chili with onions, tomatoes, and garlic for about 5 minutes. Lift
3. If you have wilted, roughly mash the above materials. Try the time of mashing,
5. all the ingredients blended perfectly.
6. Prepare the cooking oil and fry all ingredients until soft and fragrant smell.
7. Finally add the sugar, lemon juice and salt to stir and mix well. Cook until completely cooked.
8. Lift the sambal and serve with a side dish to anothe

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Sunday, March 06, 2016

how to make grilled fish


              with the progress of the times, one more way to cook fish is practical that is by burning, I will share how to make grilled fish, grilled fish is very tasty to be made when vacation time, for the main ingredient grilled fish can be found in various  traditional markets or modern, you can use tilapia fish or goldfish that are important fish is still fresh.

               The following is how to make grilled fish

ingredient tasty grilled fish
1. 1 fish
2. 5 tablespoons soy sauce
3. 7 shallots
4. 4 garlic
5. 2 tablespoons coriander
6. 1 ginger
7. 1 tablespoon salt

   sweet soy sauce ingredients
1. soy sauce
2. tomato
3. cayenne pepper
4. shallots
5. orangeade

how to make grilled fish

1. clean the fish's stomach and then wash
2. enter the fish into a container soaked with lemon juice, stir evenly for 20 minutes
3. saute the ingredients that have been mashed up must then add water and stir until smooth
4. rub the fish with herbs that have been cooked and then spread with grilled fish while using the remaining seasoning until cooked.

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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

how to make cake putu bamboo

cake putu bamboo

          for those of you who claim fans cakes, Putu bamboo is one of the traditional cake is much preferred, this cake is very popular in Indonesia almost every area there is definitely  cake Putu,. Very distinctive its aroma and taste very delicious and tease almost everyone likes cake putu, although many were selling cakes Putu bamboo does not hurt us to try to make it at home for our little family. 
         I'll give you the recipe how to make a delicious and favors cake putu. 

1. 400 grams of dry rice flour
2. 150 grams grated coconut
3. 125 grams of brown sugar
4. clean water to 300 milli
5. 1 teaspoon salt
6. pandan leaves 2 sheets
7. bamboo mold
8. banana leaves to taste

after preparing the ingredients, follow the steps below

1. boil water using a pan, put salt and pandan leaf, and stir until boiling
2. prepare the container for mixing the batter, pour the flour in it, pour water pandan a little, then stir until smooth.
3. prepare a coarse sieve to filter out the dough, rub to form granules.
4. prepare the mold seasoning, put up tersi half of it, then give the stuffing sugar, and close using the dough again. and steamed until warm
5.  serve Putu cake while still warm, do not forget to sprinkle with grated coconut.

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