Wednesday, March 09, 2016

How to Make Green Chili Sambal

How to Make Green Chili Sambal

The original make more meal taste for spiciness steady ... Who does not know the typical sauce Padang? It feels less than perfect if we go to Paris restaurant without trying the typical green sambal chilli are. Dogged surely, typical the acids that comes from green tomatoes so it is compatible with a variety of cuisines dominated fields and coconut milk.

I will give you how to make a green sambal:

Ingredients :

1,250 grams of large green peppers, remove the stems
2. 50 grams of green cayenne pepper (for the results of more spicy)
3. 4 spring onions
4. 3 teaspoons of cooking oil, for frying
5. 2 cloves garlic
6. 2 tomatoes green
7. ½ teaspoon lemon juice
8. Sugar to taste
9. Salt to taste

How to Make Sambal Hijau Cabe:

1. Roughly chop the green chili and green chili
2. Then steamed green chili and green chili with onions, tomatoes, and garlic for about 5 minutes. Lift
3. If you have wilted, roughly mash the above materials. Try the time of mashing,
5. all the ingredients blended perfectly.
6. Prepare the cooking oil and fry all ingredients until soft and fragrant smell.
7. Finally add the sugar, lemon juice and salt to stir and mix well. Cook until completely cooked.
8. Lift the sambal and serve with a side dish to anothe

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