Sunday, April 03, 2016

Juice Recipes Fruit Naga !!!

        What fruit do you consume most often? Banana, mango, apple, orange or grapefruit? If one of these pieces is your passion, not why, but it was too incredible! Ever tried dragon fruit? Just like the name suggests, this fruit is unique. Scaly skin like a dragon fruit. In China it has always been a complementary god. Indeed, the dragon fruit is considered fishing luck and blessings. Well in line with the myth, it turns out the dragon fruit is rich in benefits. Therefore, unfortunately if you miss. Indeed, many who do not like the taste, but, when processed, dragon fruit will appear more nicely on the tongue. For the curious, please try the dragon fruit juice recipe that we present below.

Prepare materials!

1. The ingredients needed to create a dragon juice, among others:
2. Dragon fruit is medium-sized and would have matured as much as 2 pieces.
3. Sugar as much as 4 tablespoons. Can replace organic honey if you want to be healthier.
4. sweetened condensed milk as much as 100 ml.
5. shaved ice to taste or to taste.
6. Air mature enough or to taste.

After all the ingredients are ready, it's time we make a dragon fruit juice. The way, as follows:
1. First, divide the dragon fruit you've prepared. Then take the meat with a spoon.
2. Insert meat dragon fruit into the blender container.
3. Add to it that has been shaved ice with boiled water taste.
4. Then blender until smooth and creamy.
5. Turn off the engine and dragon juice ready to be served in a glass of juice.

Juice Recipes Naga Second Variant

For more delicious flavor, you can experiment by adding favorite ingredients in your homemade dragon fruit juice. One of the best materials that fit paired with gorgeous fruit are lychee flavored yoghurt. Interested in making? Please refer to the following recipe.

Prepare materials, among others:
1. Dragon fruit as much as 2 pieces. Choose the perfect maturation and of medium size.
2. The sugar sand that has been melted in advance as much as 50 ml. Change honey if you're on a diet.
3. The yogurt flavors of lychee any brand as much as 1 cup or mug.
4. Ice cubes that have been shaved to taste.
5. sweetened condensed milk as much as 1 tablespoon.

After all the ingredients are ready, it's time to make dragon fruit juice, do the following:
1. First, cut two pieces of the dragon and part flesh with a spoon.
2. Insert the fruit flesh into a blender container.
3. Add into them yogurt flavors of lychee, shaved ice, liquid sugar and sweetened condensed milk. Turn on the machine and blender all ingredients until perfectly smooth.
4. Turn off the engine and dragon fruit juice you are ready to enjoy.

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