Saturday, January 09, 2016

how to make satay sea fish

how to make satay sea fish

          as we all know, the marine fish omega 3 which is very good for the human body as a positive influence, and it should be when the fish frequently consumed foods for health purposes.

        besides healthful, sea fish such as mackerel, snapper, and grouper, are also classified as kosher food to be consumed, quasi cooked in a very easy way, an alternative option is processed by using a recipe satay, of course, fish satay is no less delicious with beef satay or fungi in general.


1. 400 grams of meat snapper, cut into the box with the size according to taste.
2. 1.25 teaspoon of lemon juice or lemon.
3. Butter or margarine taste for grilling.
4. Sesame roaster taste for topping ingredients.


1. 0.5 teaspoons of seasoning ngohiong.
2. 1 teaspoon soy sauce.
3. Salt, sugar and white pepper powder to taste.
4. 2 curly red chilies, seeded and chopped until smooth.
5. 2 cloves garlic, crushed, then chopped until smooth.
6. 0.5 cloves onion, chopped until smooth.
7. Ginger size of one segment of the little finger, shredded.
8. 1 teaspoon sesame oil.

1. Types of fish that are used may be adjusted to taste.
2. Taste dishes made from these fish would be more delicious when burned with fire.

    How to make a practical marine fish satay healthy and halal

1. Balur fish meat with lemon juice to reduce the stench, let stand for 15 minutes.
2. Put all the spices that have been prepared into the container, stir until well blended.
3. Enter the fish that had been rubbed with lemon juice, stirring until well blended. Store in the refrigerator so pervasive (for 30 minutes).
4. After pervasive, hook the fish meat on a skewer with the amount per skewer adjusted to taste.
5. Heat the tools for grilling fish satay, rub with butter or margarine.
6. Bake the skewers while spread with remaining seasoning and inverted until cooked, lift.
7. Arrange on a serving container, sprinkle sesame skewers marine fish that are practical, healthy and halal ready to serve.


how to make oyster mushroom satay

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