Friday, January 08, 2016

how to make oyster sate mushroom

how to make oyster mushroom satay

                Sate usually synonymous with beef, lamb or chicken, have you ever tried to make satay apart from meat, such as oyster mushrooms? if you've never been I'll give you the recipe how to make mushroom that is no less tasty and pulled with skewers of meat, mushrooms used oyster mushroom has a white color because the texture is a bit thick and not easily broken when pierced with stab satay, many say if satay this fungus when eaten texture like chicken skin even better, let's take one of these preparations were made satay?

recipe how to make mushroom satay:

1. 500 grams oyster mushrooms, warm water soak, cut to size satay.
2. 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced.
3. 1 onion, diced.
4. 2 tablespoons soy.
5. 4 tablespoons soy sauce.
6. 1 tbsp sesame oil.
7.2 tbsp soy sauce English.
8. Cooking oil to taste.
9. pepper powder to taste.
10. Salt to taste.
11. sugar to taste.
12. Equipment:
13. skewers taste.
14. The grilled satay.

How to create White Oyster Mushroom Sate Seasoning Soy Sauce

1. saute garlic and all kinds of soy sauce. Stir until fragrant. After that, add enough water. Cook until boiling.
2. Then, enter oyster mushrooms and add salt and pepper to taste. Mix well. Set aside mushroom elsewhere and let stand for 30 minutes until the spices to infuse.
3. After that, stick to jab punctuated by skewers with onions.
4. Bake until the color change and aroma out while smeared with butter. Repeat until the fungus out.
5. Sate Mushrooms ready to be served and enjoyed.

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