Friday, January 08, 2016

How to Make Delicious Cakes Pancake Rice Flour

How to Make Delicious Cakes Pancake Rice Flour

           Various types of traditional foods native to Indonesia one of which is a muffin. Pancake is a very famous food area Bandung making this cake will remind us of the city's development. Pancake possess two types which have ctarasa pancake with sweet pancakes have a salty taste savory. Pancake usually combined with the sweet syrup of palm sugar, while pancakes are usually sprinkled with salty fried oncom on top during the cooking process. For a pancake recipe that we will make this time that muffin with having a sweet taste. Snack cake market is not only enjoyed by people of Bandung alone, but this cake is also much enjoyed by people from outside the area. Pancake is already popular, but there are still many who do not know the process and how to make it. Well we will make the following recipe.

Pancake Cake Ingredients:

1. 150 grams of grated coconut
2. 50 ml of water leaves suji
3. 1/2 teaspoon salt
4. 500 ml coconut milk
5. 220 grams of rice flour

Ingredients syrup of palm sugar:

1. 1 pandan leaves (made knot)
2. 100 ml coconut milk
3. 120 grams of brown sugar (finely combed)
4. little salt
5. 10 grams of sugar

How to Make Sweet Cakes pancake:

1. Mix the grated coconut with rice flour and salt in a container, mix
2. Boil the coconut milk over low heat until boiling, stirring, stirring
3. Pour the coconut milk into the flour mixture stew gradually, stirring gently
4. Pour batter every 1 ladle into a clay mold that has been hot
5. Cover the dough and wait until completely cooked, remove and wait for it to warm
6. Next is to make syrup of palm sugar by mixing all the ingredients and boil until boiling and dissolve

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