Tuesday, January 05, 2016

how to make a cake beam from Garut

how to make a cake beam

Cake recipe Typical Beam Original Garut Delicious . do you know ? in the soap opera movie "Thugs Retirement" named Kang Komar men Muslihat right hand  mr.Bahar real name Matt Drajat told Iwan Tyson played by Fadly to buy a cake beam arrowroot native evidently bought at the arrowroot in Antapani Bandung when the cake beam Bandung, but we instead want to discuss the film the soap opera that is again on the rise was the discussion of this article but to discuss how to make a cake that looks like a beam 8 with cake pukis. Beam cake is a traditional snack cake that looks like a cake pukis, but this one is different in terms of content and flavor. If the cake pukis it softer and more tender, then beams contents cake texture is dense and a bit loud but soft, so eat them to satiate the stomach. So do not be surprised if the beam is often used as a cake for breakfast people who do not have time to eat. pleasure sensation beam half-baked cake is evidently stems from relatively simple raw materials namely: Flour, eggs, gular sand, butter, water, and various spices (permifan, baking soda, and salt).

               The whole of this material is mixed and then stir until evenly distributed. If it is deemed appropriate, we then cooked into a metal mold which was burned by the two sides of the contents charcoal brazier languish in two parts. Here indeed the hardest techniques.

Basic cake batter first beam inserted into a metal mold and grilled over charcoal embers. After half cooked and if you want filled toppings (chocolate / cheese / nuts / raisins), then the top of the cake was crushed vessel containing hot charcoal. So, for under baked. Cake beam can be consumed half ripe to be more softer and soft, can also be consumed ripe or overripe. This is the difference in terms of how to cook compared with pancong cookie recipes, cookie recipes pukis, bandros cake recipes, cake recipes gossip, etc.

There are many sellers cakes simple beam in Bandung, he said the most delicious typical artificial indeed made in the original Garut arrowroot, including: Cake beam Mr.Didier specials, cakes beam Cihapit M. Udju, etc. Each region has a typical cake beam, such as beam offerings cake, cookies and cakes duo beams original beams arrowroot somewhat different in terms of savory and delicious taste as well as a variety of flavors and a variety of toppings, all right to make its own basic dough is easy and practical. Who knows the business open a business selling cakes beams of different flavors and a variety of modern toppings such as pinch greean tea cake recipes, oreo, taro, and red velvet


  • 250 grams of wheat flour
  • 1/4 kg of eggs
  • 1/4 kg sugar
  • margarine taste
  • 1/2 fruit milk sachet
  • 1 piece baking soda
  • 1 piece vanilla powder

  • Mix sugar and beaten eggs until smooth and bubbly
  • Add margarine, shake again until everything is average
  • Add the baking soda, vanilla, and milk sachet, stir until everything is evenly
  • Add a little water, not too thin or thick
  • Heat the cookie cutter beam
  • Pour batter into a mold tan-cooked or expands
  • Lift and beam cake ready to be served along with the most delicious recipes drink coffee together black or milky coffee recipes for the tea can wear not like to drink coffee.

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