Thursday, March 24, 2016

Tinutuan Manados food, its very delicious and if you eat in the morning it is very good!!!!!

Tinutuan / MUSH SATURN
First: Manado / Minahasa - North Sulawesi
Source: Recipe set Nusantara
Note ..
Tinutuan or Manados porridge is a typical food of Manados - North Sulawesi. Like Nasi Goreng in Java or Mpek-Mpek in Palembangs as well as with Tinutuan. This dish can be found anywhere in the area of ​​Manado. Tinutuan usually presented as a full breakfast menu.
Porridge full of vegetables and fiber in sweet potatoes, pumpkins and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are very healthy to eat. The more delicious with bread and salted fish sauce. Hmmmm ... savory ;-).
Oh yes there is good news in connection with Tinutuan. Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) plan Tinutuan or slurry Manados, North Sulawesi, entered as a traditional Indonesian culinary icon. So the more I participate in promoting the spirit of this dish. So what are you waiting for ?? Before foreign many people try, what's wrong with you tasted first, let me not be ashamed at the world ha ha ..
How to make:
1. Heat 1500 ml of water, lemongrass and ginger in a saucepan until boiling water.
2. Add rice, cook until half cooked.
3. Enter the corn and add salt. Continue to cook until cooked corn while stirring occasionally (approximately 10 minutes).
4. If you are using canned corn pipil, enter the corn after the yams and pumpkins ripe for pipil canned corn cooked in advance.
5. Enter the sweet potato and pumpkin. Cook over medium heat until completely tender (approximately 20 minutes).
6. Add the leaves of kale / spinach. Cook briefly until the leaves wilt.
7. Taste, add salt to taste if necessary. Lift.
8. Serve hot with complementary.
If you like vegetables can be variations according to taste. In addition to the above ingredients vegetables you can also use beans, leaves gedi etc.
Sambal also you can replace with another sauce to taste.
In this recipe I do not use basil because it is difficult to come by. We apologize for the above shortcomings.

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